
for MPO lenses

If new glasses were a car, then the frame would be the body, the lens would be the engine and the finish would be the special equipment. Because the glasses can do more than just correct visual impairment.

Finishes offer a host of benefits. They make the ophthalmic lens more robust, longer-lasting and easy to look after. 

MPO offers a wide range of colours and mirroring that can be tailored precisely to your style, your habits and the requirements of your eyes.

Digital media have become a permanent companion and thus also the blue light that is emitted from screens. Ophthalmic lenses with Balanced Light Control® (BLC®) protect the eyes from excessive, harmful blue light.

With the empeo® centring system – comprising an app and the practical measuring device, the new EY-Stick PRO – your consulting and measuring process become ingenious in digital form.

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